1. How To Disable The Usage Of Virtual Objects In QTP?
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: If you have already added the virtual objects. And if you want disable the usage of virtual objects. Follow the steps
1) Choose Tools -> Options
2) Choose General Tab
3) select the Check box "Disable recognition of virtual objects while recording"
4) Press OK Button
2. When Exactly Virtual Objects Get Recognized In QTP?
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: Virtual objects get recognized only after the relevant objects are added from Virtual Objects wizard. To add the Virtual objects, the below mentioned steps need to be followed.
1) Choose Tools > Virtual Objects > New Virtual Object. Otherwise from the Virtual Object Manager, click New. The Virtual Object Wizard opens.
2) Click Next.
3) Select a standard class to which you want to map your virtual object.
4) Click Mark Object, and select the object region
5) Click an object in the object tree to assign it as the parent of the virtual object
6) In the Identify object using box, select how you want Quick Test to identify and map the virtual object.
7) Specify a name and a collection for the virtual object.
3. What Is The Trigger Event Can Be Chosen For A Recovery Scenario In QTP?
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: The Select Trigger Event screen enables you to define the event type that triggers the recovery scenario. Basically there are four types of trigger events. They are:
Quick Test detects the Trigger Event based on one of the Trigger
1) Pop-up window: A pop-up window and identifies it according to the window title and textual content.
2) Object state: A specific test objects state and identifies it according to its property values and the property values of all its ancestors.
3) Test run error: A run error and identifies it by a failed return value from a method.
4) Application crash: An application crash and identifies it according to a predefined list of applications.
4. How To Restore The QTP Layout?
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: The QTP layout will be restored by following the steps
1)Choose Tools -> Options
2) Choose General Tab
3) Select the check box "Restore Layout"
4) Click OK
Restores the layout of the Quick Test window so that it displays the panes and toolbars in their default sizes and positions.
5. How To Data Drive The Test Case Using Data Table In QTP?
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: To data drive the test case using data table, follow the very simple steps as mentioned
1)Switch the QTP script to a keyword view
2) Click on the Value section of the step (on <#> symbol)
3) Value configuration Options Dialog box pops up
4) Select the Parameter Radio button
5) Select "Data Table" from the Combo box drop down
6) Enter the desired name for the parameter in Name text box section
7) Select the "Location in Data Table" as Global Sheet or Current Action Sheet
8) Click OK
6. How Many Times The Test Repeats, If There Is More Than One Row In The Global Data Sheet In QTP?
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: By default, the test runs one iteration for each row in the Global sheet of the Data Table. For example, if there are 10 rows in the global data table, the test runs for 10 iterations.
You can also set the test to run only one iteration, or to run iterations on specified rows within the Global sheet of the Data Table. You can use the parameters defined in the Global data sheet in any action.
7. What Are The Value Configurations Options Are There During The Parameterization In QTP For Data Table Parameter?
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: There are 2 types of value configurations there in QTP. They are:
Name: Specifies the name of the parameter in the Data Table. You can create a new parameter by using the default parameter name or entering a new, descriptive name. Alternatively, you can select an existing Data Table parameter from the list.
Location in Data Table: Specifies whether to store the parameter in the global or current action sheet in the Data Table.
8. What Are The Value Configurations Options Are There During The Parameterization In QTP For Random Number Parameter?
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: When you select Random Number as the parameter type, the Parameter Options dialog box enables you to configure your parameter to use random numbers.
Numeric range: Specifies the range from which the random number is generated.
Name: Assigns a name to your parameter.
Generate new random number: Defines the generation timing for a named random parameter. This box is enabled when you select the Name check box. You can select one of the following options:
For each action iteration: Generates a new number at the end of each action iteration.
For each test iteration: Generates a new number at the end of each global iteration.
Once per entire test run: Generates a new number the first time the parameter is used. The same number is used for the parameter throughout the test run.
9. Which Are The Files Will Be Copied Into Newly Generated Action During Split Action In QTP?
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: The following list of files will be copied into newly generated action during the split action.
1)Local Object Repository
2) Current local action data table
3) Snapshot file
10. What Is The Difference Between Nested And Independent Of Each Other Actions During The Split Actions
Date Posted: 06/28/2012
Ans: Nested and independent of each other actions is as follows
Independent of each other. Splits the selected action into two sibling actions.
Nested (the second action is called by the first). Splits the selected action into a parent action whose last step calls the second, child action.